Why is Online Coaching better?

Train in your time, your way, in any location. Online Coaching has many benefits however the number 1 reason is 'Less Stress'. You'll never have to worry about what you are going to train, what do i eat or what to do next to get to my goal. We work with you to create a plan that will work for you personally


Online Coaching is a fraction of what a Face to Face Fitness Coach charges


Train at a day and time that suits you, in any location.


Unlimited support. 100% Confidentiality

So Who Is Bridget Jones?

I am a Certified Master Trainer (aka Diploma in Personal Training), Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Coach and Trainer and love training, coaching and teaching.

Here is a little about my journey so far:

I started as a single mum, no self-income source, completed a basic 20 hour massage course which led to start my Diploma of Remedial Massage. Which then led to starting my first business Mandurah Mobile Massage Therapy from scratch.

Then in 2021 I opened Boutique Massage Studios.

Everything I know now has been self taught. I had no business experience at all, not even any one in my family had business experience to call from.

I’ve been in the fitness/ looking after myself industry for over 15 years.
I’ve competed in 42 km marathons, half Iron mans, the Busselton Jetty 3.8km race, INBA bikini competitions, ICN bikini competitions and all while having family responsibilities and running my Business’s.

I have naturally progressed into the personal training, fitness and the coaching industry through my personal fitness and sporting endeavours and completed:
Diploma of Fitness (SIS50213) – Australian Institute of Personal Trainers.
Then Cert IV Trainer and Assessment (TAE40110)

From here I have progressed onto building my:

Fitness Coaching business
Some blogging
And a little YouTube on my journey back to the stage.

I’ve spent hours learning tools and techniques that work.
I’ve Taught Certificate 3 and 4 in Fitness.
Coach and mentor business skills; specializing in Massage & Fitness.
Share my teachings international via blogs, webinars and free workshops.
5 Star Rated Massage Business , and also Boutique Massage Studios and had the pleasure of being a finalist for 2018 and 2021 Mandurah Business Awards
Nominated for 2018  and 2021 Alcoa Peel Business Awards.

Plus… Massage Trainer, Massage Business Coach and Group Fitness mentor to create lifestyle Changes to teach my clients how to love themselves first and to create your ideal fit life.

As a mother I know from experience how important it is to take time out for yourself.

You are here on this earth to live an amazing life and I want to help you create that life. For anyone to live an amazing and energized life it requires amazingly energized health.

Have you had enough of feeling lethargic and carrying the excess weight?  Are you ready to take your health to the next level?

Whichever you’re here for, to either just have a look around on our blogs for some motivation. Or to begin your fitness journey, I am so excited that you are ready to begin your journey,

It’s not just about losing that weight or running your first 5km. Its about winning against yourself!

Are you ready to take control of your mindset?

If you ready to commit to yourself and say YES to you then Let’s Chat!

All my best

B x


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